KronSun d. Mutschlechner Kornelia & Co.
Gilbert-Wurzer-Weg 27
39030 Percha
Tel. +39 349 495 6826

Vat Nr.: 02969120217

Responsible for the contents: KronSun
Editorial: KronSun

Webdesign, Graphics, programming:
2018 by

Contents: KronSun
Images: KronSun, Helmut Rier (Kronplatz Tourismus), Manuel Kottersteger

All information published on this website has been previously reviewed by us. Neither will liability be assumed for correctness and completeness of content, nor guarantee given. The same goes for all websites accessible via hyperlink. We will not assume responsibility for contents published on websites accessible via hyperlink. We reserve the right to update, alter and add to this site.

Structure and contents of this website are protected by copyright. Permission to reproduce information, especially concerning texts and graphical material, must be previously granted Kronsun and Nadia Huber.